defensive structure

美 [dɪˈfensɪv ˈstrʌktʃər]英 [dɪˈfensɪv ˈstrʌktʃə(r)]
  • 网络防御结构;防护结构
defensive structuredefensive structure


a structure used to defend against attack
the artillery battered down the defenses
Synonym: defense defence


  1. If the patient tells you this , carefully study his defensive structure so that you can figure out some way to discuss his disease without it being too upsetting .


  2. Static Analysis of the New Defensive Structure under Explosive Loading


  3. Numerical analysis of ship defensive structure under explosions after penetration


  4. The multi-layer defensive structure under explosions was studied through experiments .


  5. Reliability analysis of broadside defensive structure subjected to underwater explosion


  6. A tower that is part of a defensive structure ( such as a castle ) .


  7. Research on Blast Resistance Mechanism of Warship Broadside Defensive Structure Subjected to Underwater Contact Explosion


  8. The light bulb imploded . Reliability analysis of broadside defensive structure subjected to underwater explosion


  9. It is proved that the new defensive structure is worth applying in the anti-blast design of the entrance of tunnels .


  10. The research on anti-impact performance of ship broadside defensive structure will be paid more and more attention when the power of attack to ship has been improved .


  11. Enclosed wall came from ancient city wall which was firstly existed as defensive structure , and then gradually it was looked as the structure and the frame of the country by the rulers .


  12. While as the last defense line of passive protection , the defensive longitudinal bulkhead structure at the broadside plays a vital role , which may suffer not only the penetration of lots of the residual fragments , but also the residual shock wave loading .


  13. It inherits the idea of defensive realism in the structure of the international system in terms of the reasons that nations struggle for power , whereas it departs from defensive realism and returns to classical realism on the question of how much power a nation should have .
